Developing Software for Connected Cars – Grape Up

Lisa H. Shelton

Automotive is transforming into a hyper-connected, software-driven industry that goes far beyond the driving experience. How to build applications in such an innovative environment? What are the main challenges of providing software for connected cars and how to deal with them? Let’s dive into the process of utilizing the capabilities of the cloud to move automotive forward.

People have always aimed for the clouds. From Icarus in Greek mythology, first airplanes and spaceships to dreams about flying cars – our culture and history of technology development express a strong desire to go beyond our limits. Although the vision from Back to the Future and other Sci-Fi movies didn’t come true and our cars cannot be used as flying vehicles, our cars actually are in the cloud.

Meanwhile, the idea of the Internet of Things came true; our devices are connected to the Internet. We have smartphones, smartwatches, smart homes and, as it turns out, smart cars. We are able to communicate with them to gather data or even remotely control them. The possibilities are only limited by hardware, but even it is constantly improving to follow the pace of rapid changes triggered by software development.

Offerings on the automotive market are developing rapidly with numerous features and promised experiences to the end customer. By using cutting-edge technologies, utilizing cloud platforms, and working with innovative software developers, automakers provide solutions to even the most demanding needs. And while our user experience is improving at an accelerated pace, there is still a broad list of challenges to tackle.

In this article, we dive into the technology behind the latest trends, take into account the most demanding areas of developing software in the cloud, and explain how proper solution empowers the change that affects us all.

Challenging determinants of the cloud revolution in automotive

Connecting with your car through a smartphone or utilizing information about traffic provided to your vehicle thanks to the platforms that accumulate data registered by other drivers is extremely useful.

Those innovative changes wouldn’t be possible without cloud infrastructure. And as there is no way back from moving to the cloud, the transition creates challenges in various areas: safety, security, responsiveness, integrity, and more.

Safety in the automotive sector

How to create a solution that doesn’t affect the safety of a driver? When developing new services, you cannot forget about the basics. Infotainment provided to vehicles is more advanced for every new release of a car and can be really engaging. The amount of delivered information combined with increasingly larger displays may lead to distraction and create dangerous situations. It’s worth mentioning that some of the colors may even impair the driver’s vision!

Integration with the cloud usually enables some of the remote commands. When implementing them, there are a lot of restrictions that need to be kept in mind. Some of them are obvious, such as you don’t want to disable the engine when a car is being driven 100km/h, but others may be much more complicated and unseen at first.

Providing security for car owners

Enabling services for your vehicle in the cloud, despite being extremely helpful to improve your experience, creates another way to break into your car. Everyone would like to open a car without using keys, but using a mobile phone, voice, or a fingerprint instead. And as these solutions seem modern and fancy, there is a big responsibility on the software side to do it securely.

Responsiveness enabling the seamless user experience

Customer-facing services need to deliver a seamless experience to the end-user. The customer doesn’t want to wait a minute or even ten seconds for unlocking a car door. These services need to do it immediately or not at all, as an issue with opening the doors just because the system had a ‘lag’ is not acceptable behavior.

Data integrity is a must

Another very important concept associated with providing solutions utilizing cloud technologies is data integrity. Information collected by your vehicle should be useful and up to date. You don’t want a situation when the mobile application says that the car has a range of 100km, but in the morning, it turns out that the tank is almost empty, and you need to refuel it before going to work.

How to integrate and utilize mobile devices to connect with your vehicle?

When discussing how to use mobile phones to control cars, a very important question occurs; how to communicate with the car? There is no simple answer, as it all depends on what model and version of a car it is, as depending on a provider, the vehicles are equipped with various technologies. Some of them are equipped with BLE, Wi-Fi Hotspots, or RFID tags, while others don’t offer a direct connection to the car, and the only way is to go through the backend side. Most of the manufacturers will expose some API over the Internet without providing a direct connection from mobile to the car. In such cases, usually, it’s a good practice to create your own backend which handles all API flaws. To do so, your system will need a platform to have a reliable solution.

When the limitation of hardware is met, there is always an option to equip the car with a custom device, which will expose a proper communication channel and will be integrated with the vehicle. To do so, it may use the OBD protocol. It gives us full control over the communication part, however, it’s expensive and hard to maintain the solution.

Building a platform to solve the challenges

There is no simple answer on how to solve the mentioned challenges and implement a resilient system that will deliver all necessary functionalities with the highest quality. However, it’s very important to remember that such a solution should be scalable and utilize cloud-native patterns. When designing a system for connected cars, the natural choice is to go with the microservice architecture. The implementation of the system is one thing, and partly this topic was covered in the previous article, but on the other hand, the very important aspect is a runtime, the platform. Choosing the wrong setup of virtual machines or having to deploy everything manually can lead to downtime of the system. Having a system that isn’t available for the customer constantly can damage your business.

Kubernetes to the rescue! As probably you know, Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform, which allows running workload in pods. The platform itself helped us to deliver many features faster and with ease to our clients. Nowadays, Kubernetes is so easily accessible that you can spin up a cluster in minutes using existing service providers like AWS or Azure. It allows you to increase the speed of delivery of new features, as they may be deployed immediately! What’s very important with Kubernetes, is its abstraction from infrastructure. The development team with expertise in Kubernetes is able to work on any cloud provider. Furthermore, mission-critical systems can successfully implement Kubernetes for their use cases as well.

Automotive cloud beyond car manufacturers

Automotive cloud is not only a domain of car manufacturers. As mentioned earlier, they offer digital services to integrate with their cars, but numerous mobility service providers integrate with these APIs to implement their own use cases.

  • Live notifications
  • Online diagnostics
  • Fleet management
  • Vehicle recovery
  • Remote access
  • Car sharing
  • Car rental

The best practices of providing cloud-native software for the automotive industry

Working with the leading automotive brands and being engaged in numerous projects meant to deliver innovative applications. Our team have collected a group of helpful practices which make development easier and improve user experience. There are some must-have practices when it comes to delivering high-quality software, such as CI/CD, Agile, DevOps, etc., – they are crucial yet well-known for the experienced development team and we don’t focus on them in this article. Here we share tips dedicated for teams working with app delivery for automotive.

Containerize your vehicle

One of the things we’ve learned collaborating with Porsche is that vehicles are equipped with ECUs and installing software on them isn’t easy. However, Kubernetes helps to mitigate that challenge, as we can mock the target ECU by docker image with specialized operating systems and install software directly in it. That’s a good approach to create an integration environment that shortens the feedback loop and helps deliver software faster and better.

Asynchronous API

In the IoT ecosystem, you can’t rely too much on your connection with edge devices. There are a lot of connectivity challenges, for example, a weak cellular range. You can’t guarantee when your command to the car will be delivered and if the car will respond in milliseconds or even at all. One of the best patterns here is to provide the asynchronous API. It doesn’t matter on which layer you’re building your software if it’s a connector between vehicle and cloud or a system communicating with the vehicle’s API provider. Asynchronous API allows you to limit your resource consumption and avoid timeouts that leave systems in an unknown state.

Let’s take a very simple example of a mobile application for locking the car remotely.

Synchronous API scenario

  1. A customer presses a button on the application to lock the car.
  2. The request is sent and is waiting for a response.
  3. The request needs to be delegated to the car which may take some time.
  4. The backend component crashes and starts without any knowledge about the previous request.
  5. The application gets a timeout.
  6. What now? Is the car locked? What should be displayed to the end-user?

Asynchronous API scenario

  1. The customer presses a button on the application to lock the car.
  2. The request is sent and ended immediately.
  3. The request needs to be delegated to the car which may take some time.
  4. The backend component crashes and starts without any knowledge about the previous request.
  5. The car sends a request with the command result through the backend to the application.
  6. Application displays: “Car is locked.”

With asynchronous API, there’s always a way to resend the response. With synchronous API, after you lose connection, the system doesn’t know where to resend response out of the box. As you may see, the asynchronous pattern handles this case perfectly.

Digital Twin

DigDigital Twin is a virtual model of a process, a product or a service, in case of automotive – a digital cockpit of a car. This pattern helps to ensure the integrity of data and simplify the development of new systems by its abstraction over the vehicle. The concept is based on the fact that it stores the actual state of the vehicle in the cloud and constantly updates it based on data sent from a car. Every feature requiring some property of vehicle should be integrated with Digital Twin to limit direct integrations with a car and improve the execution time of operations.

Implementation of Digital Twin may be tricky though, as it all depends on the vehicle manufacturer and API it provides. Sometimes it doesn’t expose enough properties or doesn’t provide real-time updates. In such cases, it’s even impossible to implement this pattern.

Software for Connected Cars – Summary

We believe that the future will look more futuristic than we could have ever imagined. Autonomous cars, smart cars, smart homes, every device tries to make our lives easier. It’s not known when and how these solutions will fully utilize Artificial Intelligence to make this experience even better. Everything connects as numerous IoT devices are connected which provides us with unlimited possibilities.

The automotive industry is currently transforming, and it isn’t only focusing on the driving experience anymore. There is a serious focus on connected mobility and other customer-oriented services to enhance our daily routines and habits. However, as software providers, we should keep in mind that automotive is a mature industry. The first connected car solutions were built years ago, and it’s challenging to integrate with them. These best practices should help focus on customer experience. Unreliable systems won’t encourage anyone to use it, and bad reviews can easily destroy a brilliant idea.

The automotive industry is experiencing a challenging transformation. We can notice these changes with every new model of a car and with every new service released. However, to keep up with the pace of the changing world, the industry needs modern technologies and reliable solutions, such as Kubernetes. And on top of that cloud-native application, software created with the best practices by experienced engineers who use the customer-first approach.

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